Monday, October 13, 2008

The Wispa of Destiny

The budget looms!

Swish, swish goes the Lenihan scythe.

Domestic Oub's dreams in tatters, or a caped fiscal hero in disguise?

Busts and booms, Dooms and glooms.

Long, lenghty sighs.

I'm eating a Wispa here as I write this. It seems appropriate. They too were last so popular when gigantic budget deficits were the seasons economic must have. Is it a sign? Probably.

So, a snap poll

Vote YES! if you think Domestic Oub should go ahead and buy the house of her dreams - risking financial meltdown for her and her family like hasn't been seen since Wall Street traders brewed up sidewalk jam, and economic horror exposed such seams of weakness in men's souls that they allowed themselves to believe the dictator and despot.


Vote No! if you think Domestic Oub should just cop on.

1 comment:

Niamh B said...

Follow your heart - or your wispa - especially follow them both if they're going the same direction!