Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I'm late posting my Monday poem - what can I say, I was feeling under the weather yesterday and was far too busy feeling sorry for myself to put up a poem. But sure, better late than never as they say.

This weeks task was to write a poem based on our favourite word.

My favourite word is 'Vehicular'. What can I say? I just love saying it. Try it. But it must be out loud. Feel how the word grabs hold of your entire mouth and makes you work to say it. Great stuff.

But really, a poem based on this word, not necessarily the most exciting. Or I was just being lazy. Okay, I was just being lazy. I am quite sure one could compose quite the epic using this wonderful word.

Instead I went for a word I really like a lot. 'Firkle'. How could you not like that word? If you're unfamiliar with this word, it's belongs to the same world as Niamh B's 'guddle'. It does have a generic meaning to look/search but it's generally used by those who grow potatoes. It describes the process where one sticks ones hands in the muck and feels up the growing potatoes to see if they are big enough to be harvested. It all sounds rather rude.

So, to the poem.

(email me for the poem!)


Rachel Fox said...

So much potato terminology! Have you read Emerging Writer's?

Domestic Oub said...

I did, I laughed when I saw it :) Great minds think a like!

And it's a surprisingly rich seam :)

NanU said...

Who knew spuds were such come-hither creatures! Nice one.

The Dead Acorn said...

I needed a cigarette after reading that.

Domestic Oub said...

Potatoes - the vegtable of easy virtue...


Oh, my! Where's my fan...? :)

Anonymous said...

Tardy itself would have been a good choice of word. I like 'fecund eyes.'!

Titus said...

Good Lord, a sensual, sexy potato poem.
And a mighty good one too.

As per Rachel with the echo of EW's - what goes on with your potatoes over there? I'm starting to think they're the Irish fig.

Niamh B said...

You make all food sound sexy and dirty - i'm thinking of the after eights...
a triumph in firkling!

my word verification word is bedisms!

Argent said...

This was declicious!

Pete Goulding said...

It'll take me a while to peel the Roosters now without feeling somewhat sordid...

Totalfeckineejit said...

Sexy spuds? Raging Roosters and naughty Nadines. Would you maul a Maris Piper,desire a Desiree, cuckold a king Edward? You can't beat a good firkling on a Friday night.Me, I think I've had my chips.

Likes this poem though, leaves me feeling chipper.

Ps. Fecund is a great word isn't it?

Domestic Oub said...

Well, I am glad to have enlightned everyone to the inherent naughtiness of the not so humble potato.

Emerging Writer said...

I like it. We could get a potato thing going. A super word too. You'll be firkling yourself ina few month no doubt

Batteson.Ind said...

now that is a word :-)
and brilliant that there are two poems in the challenge potato orientated! and they ireland is over the whole potato thing!..
loved this! good earthy sexual stuff!