My middle child has been thinking again.
His obsession with death is back. He's really quite cheerful about it all. Today he informed me he reckoned his grandparents would be dead by the time he was old. Couldn't disagree with him. He told me that they'd probably go due to 'big heart attacks'. This info was accompanied by the sound affect his six year old brain reckons having a big heart attack sounds like - a sorta strangled squeak. He's probably right. About the noise. Not his beloved grandparents fate. Once he finished musing on the macabre he asked could we change the number of our house. I told him we couldn't. He asked why not? Told him our post wouldn't find us. He seemed disappointed. I asked him what number had he had in mind for our house. His answer? Infinity. I have to say, I quite like the idea of living at No. Infinity Blah Grove*, Lucan, Co. Dublin. He might be on to something. And I'm sure An Post would find us eventually. Eventually, eventually...
*sure I'm hardly going to post my actual address, now am I? We all know only nutters surf the web... and read my blog....)
then the postie would really have an excuse for being "late" with all the accolades!
please tell the lads i miss them infinitely
Niamh, maybe the child has secretly already changed our house number, would explain everything...
Cool Uncle Garry - will tell them, and you know they feel the same way too :)
What a kind child, looking so gently on his grandparents forthcoming demise. My grandchildren are a bit more transparent and direct. They look straight into my face and ask when am I going to die. It can be quite off-putting, especially if adults are there and whoop with laughter. I haven't yet warned that I might give him a good kick and outlive them all, but the time has come and is fast approaching when that deed could well be attempted.
(If you call your house 'Infinity' I will be forced to rename mine 'and beyond' - we're close enough for that, aren't we?) DQ
Drama Queen, go for it! LOL!
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